Kate Beckinsale Responds to Plastic Surgery Accusations & Bullying

Kate Beckinsale Responds to Plastic Surgery Accusations & Bullying

Kate Beckinsale Addresses Allegations of Plastic Surgery and Cyberbullying

Kate Beckinsale has had enough.

The Underworld star recently addressed rumors about plastic surgery and spoke out against the bullying she has endured due to her appearance over the years.

“I hate talking about this because I hate adding to this conversation, but I’m doing it because insidious bullying of any kind over time takes a toll,” Kate wrote on Instagram on May 5. “Every time I post anything—and by the way, this has been the case since I was about 30—I am accused of having had unrecognizable surgery, using Botox, or fillers, and being obsessed with looking younger. It’s a tiresome and subtly vicious form of bullying.”

“I don’t actually do any of those things,” she continued. “I’ve even had a plastic surgeon confirm that I haven’t had any procedures, and yet, I still face comments like ‘My God, you’re unrecognizable,’ ‘Oh my God PLASTIC,’ ‘Oh my God, you don’t even look like yourself anymore.’ It’s a constant occurrence.”

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