Why Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Being Together Again Is Still Huge

Why Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Being Together Again Is Still Huge

Why the Rekindled Romance of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck is a Major Moment

“I believe that the media scrutiny can be harmful if it’s not based on reality,” Lopez told MTV News days before the video premiered on Nov. 5, 2002. “I’ve been in relationships that were somewhat unstable, and the media interference was significant. When the media attention is irrelevant to the relationship—because what matters is just the two of you—then it can’t affect it. Nothing can. So, in that sense, no, it doesn’t have an impact if it’s truly genuine for both individuals. At least, in my experience.”

Therefore, she and Affleck made an effort to behave like a regular couple, even though it was often challenging.

“We attempt to maintain privacy, we do our best. Sometimes it’s easier than others; it depends on whether we can enter and exit discreetly,” Lopez said. “We go out for dinner, we socialize with friends, we try to lead as normal a life as possible while still enjoying the aspects of being in the public eye.”

“We strive to handle it positively,” she added. “I’m not saying there aren’t moments when we wish we could simply go to the movies and not have a crowd waiting outside when we leave. Sometimes you just want to spend your Sunday afternoon without any work, but at the same time, we both love what we do. If that comes with the territory, then so be it. We appreciate the love and are very grateful.”

By the way, Lopez was also wearing a ring, but she only mentioned that she and Affleck—who were also working on Kevin Smith’s Jersey Girl around this time—had discussed marriage.

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