Why Jana Kramer Plans to Walk Down the Aisle Alone at Her Wedding

Why Jana Kramer Plans to Walk Down the Aisle Alone at Her Wedding

Why Jana Kramer’s Wedding Plans Include Walking Down the Aisle Solo

Although she will walk down the aisle alone, Jana Kramer’s children will walk together, as she stated, “I’m going to have them walk together.”

The actress announced her engagement to Allan, 43, in May 2023, about six months after they began their relationship.

During their whirlwind romance, Jana reflected on how it symbolized a fresh start for her. “Allan is the first person who I didn’t feel like I had to defend my past,” she shared on her podcast in the same month. “Normally, I would go on a date with a guy, and he would bring up my previous marriages. That has always been the conversation.”

She talked about the “embarrassment” she felt from being divorced three times and expressed her happiness in starting a new life with Allan.

“I truly believe that I have found my happily ever after,” she added. “I am now grateful for those past relationships that have brought me to Allan.”

Take a look at Jana’s family photos from over the years…

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