The Bachelor’s Daisy Kent Details Near-Fatal Battle With Meningitis

The Bachelor’s Daisy Kent Details Near-Fatal Battle With Meningitis

Daisy Kent from The Bachelor Reveals Her harrowing Fight Against Meningitis

After undergoing a spinal tap and further testing confirming she had meningitis, she was treated in the ICU. She recalled, “They were giving me so much morphine, and literally, nothing would stop the pain. I’ve never been in that much pain in my life. I literally thought I was going to die.”

At one point, she thought she had died when the pain caused her to lose consciousness. She said, “Everything goes completely black, and I was like, ‘I just died.’

Meanwhile, doctors informed her mother about the severity of the situation. Kent said, “They sat her down and told her I’m super sick, and my white blood cell count is so high that there’s a possibility I might not make it.”

Thanks to antibiotics, Kent eventually recovered. However, the experience took a significant toll on her body. She remembered, “I literally lost 17 pounds in five days. When I went home, my little sister hugged me and thought I was going to snap in half. I was so weak that I couldn’t walk up the steps or even walk 10 feet.”

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