SZA Reveals Why She Needed to Remove Her Breast Implants

SZA Reveals Why She Needed to Remove Her Breast Implants

SZA Explains Why She Decided to Remove Her Breast Implants

Plastic surgery doesn’t always come with perks. Just ask SZA, who recently opened up about the necessity of removing her breast implants.

“When I got my boobs done, my doctor removed some of my fibrosis,” the Grammy winner shared regarding a procedure she underwent early in her career while appearing on S.H.E. MD’s podcast episode on March 8. “But there was a significant amount of fibrosis, which was surprising. He removed it, and many concerns were alleviated.”

Fibrosis, characterized by thickening or scarring of tissue, can present as lumps or cysts in the breast, as per the American Cancer Society.

“I have metal markers in my breast as indicators of fibrosis and lumps,” she explained. “I shouldn’t have opted for breast implants.”

Despite the warnings, SZA proceeded with the surgery.

“It eventually caused me pain,” the 34-year-old admitted. “I developed excessive scar tissue due to the density of my breasts, leading to additional fibrosis.”

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