Stanley Cups, Distracted Walking and Taylor Swift: Teens React to the News

Stanley Cups, Distracted Walking and Taylor Swift: Teens React to the News

Teens Share their Reactions to News about Stanley Cups, Distracted Walking, and Taylor Swift

I feel like most people are glued to their phones while they walk. The reason is, they’re addicted to their phones or devices. When people are distracted while they walk, a lot of things can happen such as car accidents, personal harm, or unfortunately something lethal. Having any device while you’re walking can make you unaware of the world around you which can be bad in many ways as I listed above.

Axel, Augustus Hawkins High School

I walk while looking at my phone all the time. Is that a problem? Yes. I won’t deny that it makes me a nuisance to everyone around me. Yesterday, I was so busy walking that I didn’t hold the door for the person behind me. I felt really bad, all because I was on my phone. Beyond just a distraction, going on my phone while walking is actually helpful. I may be an extroverted person, but I am very shy when no one I know is around. When I’m in one of those situations and don’t feel comfortable talking to anyone, I look down on my phone for comfort or a signal to others around me that I want to be left alone.

Isabela, Glenbard West High School

I don’t walk and use my phone at the same time. If you walk and use your phone at the same time you won’t be able to see your surroundings. What if you must cross the street and use your phone, not paying attention to the cars around you? You would probably get run over. If you walk and use your phone, you cannot even notice if the sun is shining. If there is something that looks cool or something like that and you use your phone, you will not see it.

Gael, CA

You can admit you probably are on your phone while walking through the halls while getting to class. I know I am, messaging, scrolling through social media, it’s just a habit you can’t help. But is it bringing an upside to your walk through the halls? Walking through the halls glued to your phone is like trying to go through a protest with your eyes closed. Every few glances help you know where you’re going, but is it worth it? Especially in the halls. It’s only a five minute break, so do you really need to go on your phone and bump into everyone? Maybe go to class early and with the extra time, use your phone in your seat, away from the crowd.

Roxely, Glenbard West High School

Yes, I do look at my phone while I am walking, and I think that it’s something that not only I but we all have to work on. It’s not only dangerous because you’re not always aware of your surroundings, but it’s also very bad for your physical and mental health. By being on your phone for so much time, it can be very damaging for your brain. Also, many people have had accidents on the roads because of this. They were run over, or they tripped, many things, and it didn’t always end so well.

Tzeitel, Panama

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