Sofía Vergara Reveals She Gets Botox and Future Plastic Surgery Plans

Sofía Vergara Reveals She Gets Botox and Future Plastic Surgery Plans

Sofía Vergara opens up about her use of Botox and discusses plans for future plastic surgery

Of course, Sofía doesn’t just rely on treatments to maintain her appearance. She firmly believes that sunscreen is one of the best anti-aging tools.

“If you’re tanning your face, there’s nothing in the world that you put on at night that is going to give you good skin,” she explained. “I do think it makes a difference. I’m 51, and I can compare myself to my friends that have never worn sunscreen, and now they’re all like, ‘F–k, why didn’t we pay attention to you?'”

While the Toty founder prioritizes looking good both inside and out, she is determined to defy the aging process.

“I’m going to fight it every step of the way!” she admitted to People for its Beautiful Issue earlier this month. “I know I don’t look the same. But I don’t think I am going to ever be the woman that has the courage to be, like, all-white hair.”

With age, however, comes wisdom.

“Life has not always been easy,” she continued, “but I’ve never felt stronger.”

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