Sofía Vergara Candidly Shares How She Feels About Aging

Sofía Vergara Candidly Shares How She Feels About Aging

Sofía Vergara Openly Discusses Her Views on Getting Older

Curious about how the makeup mogul, who recently launched a suncare-focused cosmetics line Toty, maintains her ageless appearance? Well, she certainly doesn’t shy away from trying new things.

“I’ve tried it all,” she admitted. “If putting cement under my eyes will make me look younger, I’m on board. I use coconut oil on my head and feet, and I’ve even wrapped myself in plastic with Aquaphor up to my neck. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to take care of my skin. It’s not about being silly.”

In addition to taking care of her skin, Sofía is also diligent about her long tresses.

“I wash my hair every single day,” she revealed. “Unless I’m sick or catching a very early flight, I never skip a day. People always said daily washing would damage your hair, but that has never been the case for me.”

While the actress from “Hot Pursuit” values her appearance, she also cherishes the inner strength that has sustained her through life’s challenges.

“Life hasn’t always been smooth sailing,” she reflected, “but I feel stronger than ever.”

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