Rob Lowe Shares How He and Son John Owen Have Bonded Over Sobriety

Rob Lowe Shares How He and Son John Owen Have Bonded Over Sobriety

Rob Lowe and Son John Owen Strengthen Their Relationship Through Sobriety Bonding

He mentioned, “When the family goes to Vegas and he and I are up at 7:30 in the morning golfing, it’s much more enjoyable than waking up at 11 and dragging ourselves out to the pool.”

Golfing is just one way Rob bonds with his sons. He considers himself “fortunate” to work with both John Owen and lawyer Matthew as they’ve grown up, and also enjoys competing with them in golf, skiing, and tennis. However, for Father’s Day, Rob plans to indulge in Matthew’s favorite pastime: fishing.

“My son Matthew not only is a member of the California Bar, but he also holds a commercial fishing license,” Rob proudly shared. “He’s an exceptional fisherman.”

Despite his competitive nature, Rob admits that on June 16, it’s likely that Matthew will catch the biggest fish.

“It’s not even a close contest,” he chuckled. “That ship has sailed.”

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