Pregnant Lala Kent Reveals the Sex of Baby No. 2

Pregnant Lala Kent Reveals the Sex of Baby No. 2

Lala Kent Announces Gender of Baby No. 2 as Pregnant

When it came to selecting a sperm donor, Lala confessed, “Appearance was not a top priority for me. I hate to admit it, but I also didn’t require them to be highly intelligent, because I’m not.”

However, one donor’s profile caught Lala’s attention for a very personal reason.

“His favorite animal was a lion,” Lala shared. “The favorite song and poem he chose both related to the ocean.”

One thing that mattered to Lala? Ensuring that he bore a resemblance to her and Ocean. “I just wanted to remove any harshness for them,” she explained, “because the world is tough enough when you come from a completely average family.”

As for Ocean’s reaction to becoming a big sister, the Give Them Lala podcast host disclosed that her daughter is aware of the expansion of their family.

“I didn’t make a big announcement to her,” Lala recalled. “She wanted to sit on my lap and I told her, ‘You have to be very gentle because mommy has a baby in her belly.’ And she replied, ‘Mommy has a baby in her belly?’ I said ‘yes’ and she asked, ‘let me see!'”

Continue reading to see Lala’s stunning look from the VPR season 11 reunion, along with the rest of the cast’s attire.

Vanderpump Rules airs on Bravo on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.

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