North West’s Sassiest Moments Prove She’s Ready to Take on the World

North West’s Sassiest Moments Prove She’s Ready to Take on the World

North West’s Bold Attitude Shows She’s Ready to Conquer the World

“I enjoy singing. Performing is my favorite,” North shared with i-D in October, expressing her interest in pursuing careers as a rapper, basketball player (she loves playing hoops and watching Lakers games courtside), and artist.

She also has aspirations of becoming a business owner. North mentioned, “One day, I hope to own Yeezy and SKIMS,” referring to her father and mother’s companies, respectively.

But before reaching that goal, the young girl has plans to earn money by walking dogs when she turns 13, in order to afford art supplies. North remarked, “Everything around here is so expensive.”

As she grows up quickly, North’s confidence in front of the camera and her apparent comfort in public settings suggest that she is just at the beginning of her journey.

Take a look at North’s most spirited moments leading up to her 11th birthday before she embarks on a new chapter:

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