Kelly Ripa’s Nutritionist Doesn’t Want You to Give Up Foods You Love

Kelly Ripa’s Nutritionist Doesn’t Want You to Give Up Foods You Love

Kelly Ripa’s Nutritionist Encourages Eating Foods You Love

If you love fruit juice…

When comparing the sugar content in some fruit juices with that of sodas, Gioffre recommends trying fruit-infused water instead. He suggests adding lemons, limes, cucumbers, grapefruit to water to infuse it with a hint of fruity flavor without the added sugar.

In Gioffre’s opinion, the “best” alternative is a nutrient-rich green juice. The author of Get Off Your Sugar advises consuming a green juice filled with vegetables like spinach, sprouts, and celery. He also recommends adding ginger for gut health and turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties.

While Gioffre warns against green juices containing sugary fruit juices, he encourages incorporating whole fruits such as cucumbers for hydration, or green apples and pears for natural sweetness.

“Fruit itself is amazing,” he said. “It’s what I call nature’s candy.”

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