Jay Leno’s Wife Does Not Recognize Him Due to Dementia, Says Lawyer

Jay Leno’s Wife Does Not Recognize Him Due to Dementia, Says Lawyer

Lawyer reveals Jay Leno’s wife unable to recognize him due to dementia

Additional information about Mavis Leno’s struggle with dementia has recently emerged.

Following Jay Leno’s move to establish a conservatorship over his wife’s estate, Mavis’ court-appointed lawyer Ronald Ostrin provided an update on her condition. Court documents acquired by E! News on April 1 revealed that at times, Mavis doesn’t recognize her husband or remember her date of birth.

With a diagnosis of “advanced dementia,” Ronald explained in the filing that Mavis experiences disorientation and often reminisces about her deceased parents, especially her mother who passed away approximately 20 years ago.

Despite her cognitive challenges, Ronald noted that Mavis retains a charming personality and can still communicate effectively.

In his submission, Ronald recommended Jay Leno, who has been caring for Mavis at their Los Angeles residence, be appointed as the conservator of her estate for future planning purposes. The comedian’s request does not extend to having conservatorship over Mavis personally, but solely focuses on managing her estate to ensure prompt action in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

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