Isabella Strahan Details Appetite Loss Amid 3rd Round of Chemotherapy

Isabella Strahan Details Appetite Loss Amid 3rd Round of Chemotherapy

Isabella Strahan Opens Up About Appetite Loss During 3rd Round of Chemotherapy

Isabella Strahan is opening up about the repercussions of her brain cancer treatment.

The daughter of Michael Strahan revealed that her appetite has significantly decreased following her third chemotherapy session for medulloblastoma, the malignant brain tumor she was diagnosed with in October.

“Over the past week, my hunger was increasing,” Isabella mentioned in a video on May 21, “but suddenly, it dropped to zero. It’s frustrating.”

In addition to appetite issues, she is also grappling with memory lapses due to a non-chemo drug causing “rigor,” an intense cold sensation linked to immune response during cancer treatments.

“I found myself eating a sandwich that I don’t recall ordering since I started this medication causing rigor,” Isabella shared, “resulting in extreme shaking and coldness.”

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