Elizabeth Hurley Addresses Rumor She Took Prince Harry’s Virginity

Elizabeth Hurley Addresses Rumor She Took Prince Harry’s Virginity

Elizabeth Hurley Denies Rumor of Taking Prince Harry’s Virginity

During a disagreement in 2019 at Nottingham Cottage, the home of Harry and Meghan at Kensington Palace, Harry claims that William referred to Meghan as “rude,” “difficult,” and “abrasive,” and accused her of “alienating half the staff.” In response, Harry accused his brother of echoing the negative portrayal of his wife in the media.

Harry describes William as appearing irritated and feeling that Harry was not obediently following his lead, but rather challenging him and disagreeing with information from his advisors. There was a predetermined narrative that Harry was defying, which William could not comprehend. He was acting as the heir apparent, expecting Harry to fulfill the role of the spare without question.

The confrontation escalated quickly, with both men raising their voices. Harry recounts offering William a glass of water, which William accepted before insulting him and physically attacking him. Harry claims that William grabbed him, causing his necklace to break, and knocked him to the ground, causing injury from a broken dog bowl. After regaining his composure, Harry demanded that William leave.

William allegedly pressured Harry to retaliate during the altercation, but when Harry refused, William expressed remorse and apologized before leaving. As he departed, William advised Harry not to inform Meghan of the incident.

Harry confronted William about the attack, to which William denied the accusation. Harry sought support from his therapist following the altercation, and although he initially kept the incident from Meghan, she noticed his injuries and expressed concern. Shortly after the incident, it was announced that the households of the Cambridges and Sussexes would be separated.

Kensington Palace declined to provide a response to Harry’s allegations.

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