Dexerto’s Jonathan Kitchen on Taylor Swift’s Music Leaving TikTok, Social Media Trends, and Amazon’s New Ad Deal

Dexerto’s Jonathan Kitchen on Taylor Swift’s Music Leaving TikTok, Social Media Trends, and Amazon’s New Ad Deal

Jonathan Kitchen from Dexerto discusses Taylor Swift’s music leaving TikTok, the latest social media trends, and Amazon’s new advertising deal.

ExchangeWire’s Mariam Ahmad and Lindsay Rowntree are joined by Jonathan Kitchen, Head of Sales, EMEA at Dexerto, to discuss the biggest news in the ad tech world.

What Removing Taylor Swift, Drake And More Means For TikTok—And Users (Forbes)

Who needs who more? Are publishers being held to ransom by platforms over their reach?

Universal Music Group, the world’s largest music company, announced that it would be pulling its music from TikTok because its license agreement was expiring and renewal talks had broken down. 

New Report Looks at Evolving Social Media Usage Trends (Social Media Today)

How can publishers harness social platforms to their advantage? How is the landscape evolving?

YouTube remains the online video leader, according to a consumer study by Pew Research. 

YouTube is the platform the most people spend time on regularly, being used by 83% of US adult respondents, versus Facebook (68%), Instagram (47%), and TikTok (33%).

Amazon strikes ad data deal with Reach as Google kills off cookies (FT)

Can publishers find themselves in a position of strength with tie-ups like this? Is Amazon creating a ‘CTV walled garden’ for itself?

Amazon has struck a deal with Reach, the UK’s largest publisher, to obtain customer data for targeted online advertising. The partnership is designed to compensate for the loss of third party cookies; Reach will share its contextual first party data, and Amazon will use the information to sell more targeted ads on the publisher’s sites.


Mariam Ahmad, editorial lead, ExchangeWire


Jonathan Kitchen, head of sales, EMEA, Dexerto

Lindsay Rowntree, COO, ExchangeWire

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