Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer Reveal the Secret to a Strong Marriage

Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer Reveal the Secret to a Strong Marriage

The Key to a Strong Marriage: Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer Share Their Secret

Chelsea jokingly refers to her 5-year-old daughter Layniac as “a nutso,” but notes that she is always fun to be around. Layniac is constantly running around the farm and has a knack for befriending every animal they have. On the other hand, the youngest sibling Walker is just happy to be included with the older kids.

The former MTV stars take pride in everything they have built, from their modern farmhouse to the stunning transformations showcased on their HGTV series. Their children are actively involved in their projects, allowing them to witness their parents’ hard work firsthand.

Chelsea and Cole emphasize the importance of teamwork in achieving their dreams. They enjoy collaborating on various projects and appreciate the opportunity to work together. They also acknowledge other Teen Mom stars who have built strong foundations in their lives.

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