Bridgit Mendler Officially Graduates Harvard Law School

Bridgit Mendler Officially Graduates Harvard Law School

Bridgit Mendler Completes her Studies at Harvard Law School

The former Disney Channel star explained that the decision to complete her degree now rests with the administration and her principal investigator.

Recognizing the challenges of balancing work and family as a parent, Bridgit emphasized the importance of prioritization and knowing when to say no.

Currently, Bridgit serves as the CEO of Northwood Space, a startup focused on building ground satellite stations for data transmission to and from space, with her husband Griffin as the CTO.

In an interview with CNBC, Bridgit shared the challenges of sending data to and from space and her company’s goals in simplifying the process.

Bridgit was not the only celebrity to celebrate a graduation in 2024. Stay tuned to find out who else achieved this milestone.

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