Apparently it’s ‘slightly racist’ to be a Taylor Swift fan

Apparently it’s ‘slightly racist’ to be a Taylor Swift fan

Is it considered slightly racist to be a Taylor Swift fan?

Taylor Swift

(THE COLLEGE FIX) – Melina Abdullah, a professor of Pan-African Studies at Cal State University Los Angeles who is a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement and once argued Jussie Smollet was framed, recently stated she thinks Taylor Swift fans are kinda racist.

Abdullah made the comments in a post on X during Super Bowl, prompting a lively debate on the platform as Swift attended the game to watch her current boyfriend, Travis Kelce, help lead his team, the Kansas City Chiefs, to victory.

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Abdullah also wrote on X after the game, in response to the San Francisco 49ers loss: “Why do I feel like this was some right-wing, white-supremacist conspiracy?!?! Booooooo!!!!”

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