Animals Can Be Gay & So Can Mushrooms, Says ‘Queer Planet’ Doctor

Animals Can Be Gay & So Can Mushrooms, Says ‘Queer Planet’ Doctor

‘Queer Planet’ Doctor Says Animals and Mushrooms Can Exhibit Homosexual Behavior

Humans and animals aren’t the only living organisms with same-sex couples … some plants and fungi are also essentially lesbian and gay — so says a pro who knows all about this.

Dr. Patricia Kaishian — who worked on this new Peacock doc all about queer animals — has been researching plants and fungi for years … and she joined us on “TMZ Live” Thursday and shared some of her strangest findings … same-sex reproduction!!!

It’s pretty incredible, the good doctor says the plant and fungi worlds are way more complex than simply being comprised of just males and females … and she says some organisms have figured out how to have offspring without a mate of the opposite sex.

Some of these findings — most notably among mushrooms, as she explains — are included in the new Peacock doc about animal sexuality … and she reemphasizes that regular animals can for sure be fluid in their sexuality — a phenomenon we’ve seen out in nature.

It’s long been known animals have gay and lesbian sex, but the same going on among plants and fungi is new and important, information … and Dr. Patricia is expanding on the topic in her upcoming book, “Forest Euphoria.”

So we’ve got queer lions and whales, sex-changing fish, pansexual monkeys and now gay mushrooms and plants … it’s like wildlife is mirroring society among us humans.

One big difference … Dr. Patricia says animals don’t discriminate against other animals for being gay. Huh, imagine that!

Anyway, it’s a pretty interesting interview … with Dr. K dropping knowledge in the first week of Pride Month. The more you know.

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