What You Need to Know About This Mercury Retrograde

What You Need to Know About This Mercury Retrograde

Your Guide to Mercury Retrograde: What You Should Know

It’s that time again – Mercury retrograde season is upon us once more.

For those who don’t regularly check their horoscope, this is the time of year when Earth passes Mercury in its orbit, causing it to appear to move in reverse and create chaos in our lives.

“During Mercury retrograde, the planet of communication seems to move backwards in the sky,” explained celebrity astrologer Aliza Kelly to E! News. “This optical illusion occurs because Mercury is moving faster than us in its orbit.”

As Mercury rules communication, technology, travel, and contracts, Kelly noted that astrologically, these areas can become unpredictable during this phase. (Fun fact: In Roman mythology, Mercury was the messenger of the gods.)

But don’t worry just yet about hunkering down for weeks of bed rotting.

“Not all Mercury retrogrades are the same,” emphasized Kelly. “The effects can differ based on the zodiac sign Mercury is retrograding through and its interactions with other planets.”

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