Why Armie Hammer’s Mom Stayed Quiet Amid Allegations Against Him

Why Armie Hammer’s Mom Stayed Quiet Amid Allegations Against Him

Reasons for Armie Hammer’s Mom’s Silence amid Allegations against Him

Although Dru did not mention any names, she disclosed in her book that she had direct conversations with a few of Armie Hammer’s accusers.

“I met two of the three young women who accused Armie,” she explained. “Both of them were beautiful and wanted more from Armie than he could give them at the time. They saw Armie as Mr. Right, while he saw them as Ms. Right Now. As a mother, my heart broke for everyone involved. The divine union that God intended for two people was missing from this situation.”

Dru also revealed her reason for choosing not to speak out publicly.

“All of this happened at the start of the COVID pandemic when people were isolated in their homes,” she recounted. “There was a frenzy for new information, and more articles were being published every day. Despite this, Armie remained silent, opting not to communicate with anyone to protect his family.”

While Dru struggled with staying silent, she ultimately made the decision not to speak out.

“As a protective mother, I wanted to confront him and say, ‘I saw how these women were with you. How could this happen?'” she confessed. “But instead, I chose to remain silent. It wasn’t my place to defend Armie, even though every fiber of my being wanted to. I prayed and grieved for my son and everyone involved, continuing to pray as time went on.”

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