Whitney Way Thore Reveals the Cruel Insults That Led to Panic Attacks

Whitney Way Thore Reveals the Cruel Insults That Led to Panic Attacks

Unveiling the Hurtful Comments That Triggered Whitney Way Thore’s Anxiety Attacks

Perhaps that’s why the reality personality thought entering a new decade would be easier.

“I initially thought, ‘This is cliché and silly,'” she said about the producers asking her to discuss her midlife crisis. “I was like, ‘I’m not experiencing that, leave me alone.’ And then a few weeks later, I realized, ‘I’m actually there.'”

She admitted that she would love to have a partner to share life’s dance with.

“I don’t want to perpetuate stereotypes like, ‘Your life is over at 40,'” she stated. “But the reality is sinking in that I’m 40, single, and childless.”

As her close friends start families, she expressed feeling more isolated. “I just feel more alone,” she said. “And that’s tough.”

After ending things with her mysterious French boyfriend, she’s been actively seeking new dating prospects.

“I’ve been trying to be more social, engaging in activities I enjoy that bring me happiness, and putting myself in situations where I could meet someone,” she explained. “But in Greensboro, the dating pool is disappointingly small.”

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